Publish your videos to other audiences who don't speak your language. LViS can generate narration for your videos or podcasts using 150 different languages - including dialects (e.g., Mexican Spanish). Among the supported languages you will find the 3 co-official in Spain: Catalan, Galician and Basque.
You want the voice going... Faster or slower? More acute or more serious? With LViS you can do it. You can also control the way words are pronounced and specify pronunciation aliases.
More informationFor the same language you can use male or female voices. In some languages we have voices of children (e.g., Spanish).
LViS can create videos using different operating systems and their applications, and allows the audience to have the specific video for help, support, etc. recorded for your favorite platform.
Use different browsers for the different audience profiles of your videos, such as developers, business users, etc.
LViS creates videos in Full HD resolution by default, which means that it uses a resolution for videos of 1,920 × 1,080 pixels.
You can also create videos in other resolutions, such as 720p, 2K, 4K and Mobile formats - with no transcoding. This way your apps and websites are always recorded in the required resolution and not cut or converted into another format after being created.
LViS will record your videos a thousand times for you. Just detail the actions that make up your video script using LViS Action Builder, a block visual editor that allows you to define your video as a sequence of instructions to be performed.
Apply post-production effects after recording a video with LViS: intro and outro, subtitles, digital presenters... and many more options that will help complete your video.
Add existing videos to your footage or include clips from other videos not created with LViS. This way you will complete your audience's experience with real-world scenes or others created with different video tools.
LViS takes screenshots during video recording, which will help you complete your video when creating your blog posts, tutorials, manuals or any type of documentation in which you need screenshots of the recording.
You can also use the audio files that LViS generates from its commands, both for the video narration and for the background music and sound effects - that will help you publish your podcasts.
Use digital presenters for your audiovisual content to help the audience empathize more. Take advantage of some of the images offered by our resource library, or upload your own image (upper torso) taken with your mobile phone. LViS's artificial intelligence will do the rest and animate the image by coordinating it with the video narration. You can also use cartoons as presenters!
Create a video for your presentation by uploading the slides and writing how you want each one to be explained. Your audio will always be synchronized with the slides and transitions. You can also create ad hoc video presentations by adding wallpapers, texts, images, effects and QR codes.
Browse your webpages - Internet, Intranet and Extranet - using their menus, texts, images, etc. And of course, filling in their forms when teaching any process. Forget about technical names and weird stuff: LViS can read, view and browse for you while recording the video. By the way, if you want to record it again, there is no need to delete cookies, history or form entries. LViS takes care of that.
Teach how to use a Windows or Linux App, share that useful trick, create a video about how to configure a feature... or just help other users with a tip. The most geeks will also be able to control the command line. Plus point: when the App changes or updates, it will be very easy to have your video updated to the latest version.
Create an explanatory video of an invoice, a contract, a brochure, etc. detailing the highlights and pointing out the different elements with audiovisual effects. What you see and hear is better retained!
Use black and white scenes, zoom in on a region of the screen, blur parts that you don't want to be legible, or conversely, use spotlight to attract the audience to a particular area.
More informationConnect different tracks with visual transitions that allow the viewer to follow the video with no friction. Use different fades and transformations: fade-in, fade-out, cross-fade, etc.
Create windows in your video with text messages, notices, warnings, tricks, tips, etc. Reinforce the level of understanding of your videos and their informative level with this mechanism.
More informationUse labels (lower thirds) to introduce your digital presenters, tag your scenes, or what you want to point out. Labeling makes your video more professional and increases brand perception between different videos.
Draw lines, boxes and circles over the content of your videos. LViS also allows you to write text or insert an image at any point while recording. Generate and display QR codes so your audience can browse from the video to other Internet addresses.
More informationAdd background music to your video so its reproduction becomes more enjoyable. You already have proposals in the resource library, but you can also use your own audio files.
Draw the attention of the audience in your videos or podcasts with a sound effect such as an alarm, siren, horn, etc. If you use warnings and sound effects you will achieve maximum impact in your videos.
Create accurate subtitles for your movies in as many languages as you want: you will then be able to use them to create audio in that language. LViS generates subtitles in SRT and VTT formats.
LViS is able to generate the file with the full transcription of the video. You can use this transcription file for accessibility issues, to index or translate the video.
Mark different relevant points in the video footage with tags and make it easy for your audience to move between them. If content changes your chapters will automatically adapt!
Make different parts of your video form a logical and coherent entity. Scenes bring together instructions that pursue a common goal. In addition, you can collapse and expand scene details to focus on the part you are working on at the moment.
Are you tired of weird mouse movements in your videos? You don't always type properly? LViS controls the mouse and keyboard for you according to your instructions, which makes videos more concise so you never have to repeat these types of shots.
LViS finds the text that shows you the current screen of the video, which allows your scripts to be completely semantic and not depend on specific coordinates. If the user interface changes but the text remains, the system will still find it even if it has changed location, font or color. LViS can also read on the screen any text that appears as a result of an action.
As not all is text in apps and websites, tell LViS the shape or detail you want to find on the current screen. You can also ask it to find a fragment that you have previously captured.
You can define variables for your video that have different values during recording or depending on the environment. You can also pass external parameters to the videos, which will allow you to create different videos based on those parameters. LViS can create a different video for each user.
With LViS you can define flows that can be reused among your videos with no need to define them over and over again. Define a video as an applet and include it within other videos. LViS also allows you to define video templates that receive different parameters for their execution.
Decide (‘if’) by evaluating the environment, a parameter, a variable or a value - or several of them - if the next action in your video should be performed or recorded. Iterate or repeat ('for') a set of actions with a range of numeric values or a collection of text values. With flow control structures your videos turn into programs!
You don't know what background music to use for your videos? Or what avatar to choose as a presenter? Do you need to set up an Intro and Outro? Don't worry, in addition to uploading your own resources and reusing them among your projects and videos, LViS offers an initial set of resources that will allow you to complete your video with no need to create or upload anything external.
LViS offers various templates and wizards so you never have to start your video from scratch... Did you know that our experts can help you create templates for your projects?
Train your creators on LViS by selecting what videos you want to offer as representative examples for your organization.
With LViS it is so easy to transform a video once recorded, so you can immediately clone it to create another similar one. In addition, from the original you can create all the variations you want in different languages.
Each video is generated from the script written in LViS Script, but you don't need to know that scripting language. Use our LViS Builders (low-code editors) to generate the script without knowing the technical details... It's child's play!
LViS allows the same user to work with different video projects at the same time. These projects allow you to reuse different resources and settings between your videos. In addition, different projects can belong to the same organization. Organizations allow you to define which users have access to projects and videos. You can also define permissions and consumption within the organization.
LViS users can be administrators with the ability to manage other users, video developers or simply have access to see the progress of videos.